
Agile Learning in the Classroom

đź•‘ 4 minutes read | Oct 01 2024 | By Joshua Farris, TTA Learning Consultant

In the world of software development, a principle often quoted is “fail fast and fail often.” It encourages developers to embrace failure as a pathway to success. This mindset isn’t exclusive to technology. Imagine if this philosophy extended to our classrooms—where failure isn’t penalized but celebrated as part of learning. This is where Agile learning steps in, offering a dynamic and flexible approach to education.

What is Agile?

Agile isn’t a method or a procedure. It’s not a rigid set of rules to follow. Instead, it’s a philosophy that values adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Agile first emerged in the IT sector during the 1990s, aimed at streamlining software development processes by focusing on transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Since then, it has transcended into other fields, including education, and its core principles offer immense value for teaching and learning environments.

Educators adopting Agile methods emphasize learning through interaction, adapting to student needs, and iterating on teaching approaches. Agile classrooms focus less on rote procedures and more on cultivating environments where students actively participate in their learning journey. Imagine shifting the focus from standardized test results to meaningful, personalized learning experiences. Agile learning seeks to achieve just that.

Agile in Action: Changing Classroom Dynamics

Agile principles have been translated into an educational context, often framed as “Agile Schools,” with values that emphasize:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  • Meaningful learning over measurement.
  • Stakeholder collaboration over negotiation.
  • Responding to change by following a strict plan.

In an Agile classroom, students are encouraged to experiment, fail, and learn from their mistakes, just as in real life. This fosters an environment that mimics how learning occurs in everyday situations—through trial, error, and iteration. Classrooms that embrace Agile thinking are dynamic and fluid, allowing students to engage deeply with the subject matter. It also promotes adaptability, helping students learn to pivot when things don’t go according to plan.

Five Key Reasons to Implement Agile in the Classroom:

  1. Agile Promotes Value Over Expedience: Traditional education often emphasizes expedience, such as teaching to the test. Agile flips this focus, conditioning students to prioritize value—real learning—over superficial achievement. Learning for learning’s sake, with less emphasis on test results, leads to more profound educational outcomes.
  2. Agile Encourages Constructive Failure: Failure isn’t a setback; it’s a step forward. Agile emphasizes that failure is part of the learning process, encouraging students to experiment and fail early so they can learn and improve faster. This aligns closely with the scientific method, where failure is a natural byproduct of experimentation.
  3. Agile Fosters Adaptability: Life is full of unexpected changes, and Agile teaching mirrors this by incorporating flexibility into lesson plans. Classrooms that adapt based on student progress and evolving needs create a more responsive learning environment, allowing students to learn how to handle real-world dynamics.
  4. Agile Integrates Real-Time Feedback: Just as software development relies on constant iteration and feedback, Agile classrooms incorporate regular assessments to adjust learning paths in real time. This process allows for immediate course correction, fostering continuous improvement.
  5. Agile Supports Lifelong Learning: Agile doesn’t just encourage learning; it encourages re-learning and unlearning, ensuring that students can evolve as they acquire new knowledge. The built-in flexibility of Agile promotes continuous development, making it an ideal framework for the classroom.

The effectiveness of the Agile philosophy, particularly SCRUM, is well-documented. According to the 15th Annual State of Agile Report, 86% of software companies report full adoption of Agile development in some form, with SCRUM being the most popular framework at 66% usage. Companies that adopt Agile principles report a 60% faster time to market, 71% improvement in team collaboration, and 62% enhanced project visibility. These statistics underscore why SCRUM, when combined with discussion-based learning (topics we will discuss shortly), is so valuable—by fostering collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement, teams can consistently deliver better results in less time. (See:; Also see:

Agile as a Teaching Tool: SCRUM in the Classroom

In my experience, Agile frameworks like SCRUM have been beneficial for facilitating dynamic learning. I’ve used SCRUM, a method related to Agile, in the classroom by breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable pieces. By implementing time-focused sessions and encouraging student interaction, we mimic how SCRUM sprints are used in software development to achieve continuous progress. This structured, iterative approach ensures that students don’t just cover material—they engage with it, test it, and apply it, reinforcing true understanding.

Agile learning offers teachers and students a roadmap for continuous growth, iterative learning, and success. Through failure, adaptation, and interaction, students are conditioned to think critically, collaborate, and embrace challenges—skills essential in both education and life.


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