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As schedules tighten and training time gets the squeeze, microlearning makes good sense. Which is why it feels like it’s everywhere these days, spreading across the corporate landscape. If you’re in L&D and you haven’t yet wrapped your head around how microlearning could benefit your organization, it’s not too late. But don’t wait. The time is now.
Here’s the scoop: Microlearning is narrowly focused L&D content, presented in a way that makes it easy to consume. Microlearning can serve as an accompaniment to customary in-depth training, or it can be designed to stand on its own.
The psychology of it makes sense. Breaking info up (or down) into digestible chunks, microlearning reduces cognitive load and increases retention, creating effective, flexible, on-the-go learning. In fact, a recent report from Raytheon cited that microlearning improved retention by 80%.
Microlearning empowers companies to create targeted content to address skills gaps or important learning objectives, a critical tool in industries that require speedy adoption or just-in-time adaptations to ever-changing technologies.
Despite its myriad advantages, the concept of microlearning also comes with drawbacks. While it plays into the strengths of most technologically inclined users, that same technology also makes it susceptible to abuse, distraction, and ineffectiveness. Here are a few things to watch out for if you decide to go full speed ahead with implementing this learning style:
In Conclusion
Your workforce can access microlearning concepts instantly in order to refresh or update their knowledge on specific topics. This immediacy helps to establish and foster a culture of learning, an ideal especially important for organizations that function within a marketplace that requires agility and competitiveness. Fully integrating microlearning into L&D initiatives signals a major shift. When done correctly, it can turn your learning programs into agile, user-centric approaches focused on meeting performance objectives with greater consistency.
Integrating microlearning into L&D signals a major shift towards agility, efficiency, and user-centric approaches and enables every organization to dedicate itself to meeting performance objectives and achieving business goals.
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