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Staying current in the ever-changing learning and development industry is a challenge for most of us. Because TTA is hosting a learning conference next week, I’ve been thinking a lot about the choices that we make for our own development. Why go to a local event over a national event? What type of networking is going to be most helpful or enjoyable to me as a professional? Of the many books that come out in our field, in which should I invest my time?
For me, a partial solution for staying current is to establish certain habits. I try to be conscious of the cadence of my own learning and the ways that I incorporate learning into my everyday work. Some of us are so passionate about the learning field that we willingly pursue it as a hobby on our own time. Do I admit that my personal time is consumed with other interests? Also, my goal is always to see how much leverage I can get out of the same effort. Can I do something that I want to do while also checking off something I must do from my list?
And so, for the busy professionals among us, I offer a few tips to staying current in the learning and development profession:
What are your ideas for sharpening the saw without disrupting the flow of work? I’m looking for other shortcuts to stay relevant and informed amid considerable noise and an ever-growing backlog of important work.
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