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Over the last couple of years, learning strategy has been making a dramatic comeback. At the risk of dating myself, I’m going to characterize a few swings of the pendulum that I’ve witnessed over the course of my career:
Apart from the horror of realizing that, based on personal experience, I just characterized a shift in practice over the course of four decades is the excitement that where we are now really is the best of both worlds. Today, we might still use rapid analysis to target our efforts, but I think we know a lot more about how to scale our strategy and analysis toolkit. Here is a helpful comparison of ten strategies that each focus on creating a unique insight.
As you can see, we’ve come a long way from demographic questionnaires on media preferences, age or gender ratios, etc. Today’s analysis is less likely to be a canned or templated study and more likely to take advantage of data and existing insights. It also requires a skill set that you may not have within your organization. If you have a team of trainers and instructional designers, it’s worth noting that these sorts of studies are rarely done successfully by these roles (unless they have other specializations). At TTA, we can match you to a learning strategist with the specific expertise required for your analysis, and, as we learn more, we have the bench strength to pivot with additional or different experts.
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