New & Emerging Leaders

Program Overview

Strategies for Sustaining Growth and Adaptability

Our New and Emerging Leaders Program is built on a foundation of real-world success and experience in fostering leadership qualities across diverse industries and organizational sizes. This tailored program is structured into three progressive tiers—Foundational, Intermediate, and Advanced—thoughtfully designed to offer a comprehensive learning journey. Each tier builds upon the previous, enabling leaders to develop from mastering fundamental skills to addressing complex leadership challenges.

The Foundational Tier focuses on cultivating core leadership competencies, equipping new leaders with critical interpersonal and self-management skills. The Intermediate Tier builds on foundational skills and introduces strategic abilities necessary for effective team development and enhanced communication. The Advanced Tier concentrates on high-level strategic thinking and leadership resilience, preparing leaders for senior management roles. It focuses on empowering leaders to drive organizational change and navigate complex business landscapes effectively.

This leadership development program serves as a bridge to leadership excellence, guiding new and emerging leaders through a transformational journey that not only enhances their personal capabilities but also aligns with the strategic goals of the organization. The program is crafted to elevate individual leaders and fortify the leadership framework of the organization, ensuring sustained success and adaptability in a rapidly evolving business environment.

Strategies for Sustaining Growth and Adaptability

Leadership Development Program Tiers

Our leadership development program offers two tracks: one for new and emerging leaders and another for mid-level leaders, each structured in three progressive tiers. As participants move through these tiers, they systematically build upon the essential skills needed to become effective leaders with each track tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities at their respective levels of leadership.

Leadership Growth Pathway

Tier by Tier to Excellence

leadership program foundational tier

The foundational tier focuses on emotional intelligence, personality types, and team dynamics, equipping you to lead with confidence and empathy, and fostering collaboration within teams.

leadership program intermediate tier

Improve your skills with our Intermediate tier, which concentrates on advanced communication, conflict resolution, and trust-building within teams for effective leadership.

Leadership program advanced tier

Our Advanced tier sharpens coaching skills, strategic planning, and leadership presence, equipping you to tackle challenges, innovate, and delegate effectively.

leadership program foundational tier

The foundational tier focuses on emotional intelligence, personality types, and team dynamics, equipping you to lead with confidence and empathy, and fostering collaboration within teams.

leadership program intermediate tier

Improve your skills with our Intermediate tier, which concentrates on advanced communication, conflict resolution, and trust-building within teams for effective leadership.

Leadership program advanced tier

Our Advanced tier sharpens coaching skills, strategic planning, and leadership presence, equipping you to tackle challenges, innovate, and delegate effectively.

Tier 1 Foundational

Strengthen Your Leadership Foundation


The New and Emerging Leadership Development Program serves those at the beginning of their leadership path and supports them as they evolve into more complex and strategic roles.

Some of the roles this leadership program is designed for include:

  • New Managers
  • Team Leads
  • Aspiring Leaders
  • Individual Contributors
  • Mid-Level Professionals
Program Overview & Details

Elevate your leadership journey with our Foundational tier, crafted to lay the cornerstone of effective leadership. This tier focuses on emotional intelligence, personality styles, and team dynamics, arming you with the essentials to nurture resilience and cultivate a culture of collaboration and synergy. These classes are your first steps towards mastering the art of leadership, readying you to lead with empathy and confidence through the dynamics of interpersonal relationships.

  • Delivery Method: Virtual or In-person
  • Length of program: 3 Full Day Sessions or 6 Half Day Sessions
  • Materials: Electronic workbooks are provided with each course registration or physical workbooks are available upon request at an additional cost.
  • Assessments: Pre-Assessments and Post-Assessments Provided
Learning Outcomes & Objectives
  • Develop a Clear Understanding of Leadership Styles: Participants will identify their own leadership style and understand how to effectively manage different personality types within their teams.
  • Master Emotional Intelligence: Leaders will learn to enhance their emotional intelligence to better lead and connect with their teams, improving employee satisfaction and engagement.
  • Build High-Performing Teams: Through understanding team dynamics and synergy, leaders will be equipped to assemble and manage teams that can achieve and exceed their goals.
  • Foster Organizational Resilience: Training will focus on strategies to build resilience, preparing leaders to face and overcome setbacks with confidence.
  • Apply Learning to Real-World Scenarios: The practical application of skills learned will ensure that new leaders can immediately begin to impact their teams positively, translating theoretical knowledge into effective leadership practices.

By focusing on these foundational aspects, the program not only prepares leaders for their current roles but also sets a trajectory for continued leadership development and success within the organization.


There is a minimum requirement of 6 learners per organization.

  • 6-9 participants: price per learner: $2,485
  • 10 or more participants: price per learner: $1,850

For less than 6 participants, please contact us to inquire about open enrollment.


Required Courses & Outlines
Tier 2 Intermediate

Refine Your Leadership Skills


The New and Emerging Leadership Development Program serves those at the beginning of their leadership path and supports them as they evolve into more complex and strategic roles.

Some of the roles this leadership program is designed for include:

  • New Managers
  • Team Leads
  • Aspiring Leaders
  • Individual Contributors
  • Mid-Level Professionals
Program Overview & Details

Advance your leadership skills with our Intermediate tier, focusing on advanced communication, conflict resolution, and trust-building within teams. This stage is tailored to elevate your leadership through change, effective feedback delivery, and fostering trust-based relationships. These classes are designed to deepen your leadership toolkit, equipping you to navigate complex challenges and guide your team towards success with confidence.

  • Delivery Method: Virtual or In-person
  • Length of program: 3 Full Day Sessions or 6 Half Day Sessions
  • Materials: Workbook Materials Provided
  • Assessments: Pre-Assessments and Post-Assessments Provided
Learning Outcomes & Objectives
  • Master Complex Leadership Communication: Participants will learn to articulate their vision clearly and communicate effectively across various contexts and platforms.
  • Refine Feedback Mechanisms: Leaders will acquire techniques to provide constructive feedback that motivates and encourages growth and development.
  • Navigate and Lead Through Change: Equip leaders with the skills necessary to lead their teams through organizational changes with minimal disruption and maximum buy-in.
  • Cultivate Deeper Trust: Focus on building deeper levels of trust within teams, which is essential for fostering an environment of open communication and mutual respect.
  • Apply Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: Leaders will further their ability to manage both personal and team emotions effectively, enhancing workplace harmony and productivity.

By focusing on these elevated aspects, the program not only prepares leaders for their current roles but also sets a trajectory for continued leadership development and success within the organization. This tier of training is an investment in building a robust leadership framework that supports the organization’s goals and nurtures its most valuable assets—its leaders.


There is a minimum requirement of 6 learners per organization.

  • 6-9 participants: price per learner: $2,485
  • 10 or more participants: price per learner: $1,850

For less than 6 participants, please contact us to inquire about open enrollment.

Required Courses & Outlines
Tier 3 Advanced

Embark on Leadership Mastery


The New and Emerging Leadership Development Program serves those at the beginning of their leadership path and supports them as they evolve into more complex and strategic roles.

Some of the roles this leadership program is designed for include:

  • New Managers
  • Team Leads
  • Aspiring Leaders
  • Individual Contributors
  • Mid-Level Professionals
Program Overview & Details

In the Advanced tier of our leadership development program, we concentrate on perfecting your role as an influential leader for complex environments. This tier is designed for advancing emerging leaders, providing them with highly effective skills in coaching, strategic goal setting, and cultivating a powerful leadership presence. You’ll learn to tackle intricate challenges, encourage innovative thinking, and refine your delegation techniques. This tier is about leveraging your refined skills to lead decisively, promote a culture of excellence, and drive pioneering solutions.

  • Delivery Method: Virtual or In-person
  • Length of program: 3 Full Day Sessions or 6 Half Day Sessions
  • Materials: Workbook Materials Provided
  • Assessments: Pre-Assessments and Post-Assessments Provided
  • Coaching: Post Training Virtual Group Coaching Session with Q&A
Learning Outcomes & Objectives
  • Develop Strategic Thinking: Leaders will learn to think strategically about challenges and opportunities, aligning team goals with organizational objectives.
  • Master Coaching Techniques: Equip leaders with the skills necessary to mentor and develop others, enhancing the overall talent pool within the organization.
  • Cultivate Leadership Presence: Focus on developing a commanding leadership presence that inspires confidence and drives organizational loyalty.
  • Advanced Problem-Solving and Creativity: Encourage innovative thinking and complex problem-solving skills that lead to groundbreaking solutions and practices.
  • Effective Delegation Strategies: Teach leaders how to effectively delegate, ensuring optimal team performance and personal workload management.

By progressing through this advanced tier, leaders are not only prepared to handle their current roles with greater competence but are also poised to assume higher executive positions, driving the organization towards its long-term strategic objectives. This tier of training is an investment in securing a robust, visionary leadership team that significantly enhances the organization’s competitive edge and operational efficiency.


There is a minimum requirement of 6 learners per organization.

  • 6-9 participants: price per learner: $2,485
  • 10 or more participants: price per learner: $1,850

For less than 6 participants, please contact us to inquire about open enrollment.

Required Courses & Outlines

Each tier has five required courses. Below are the required courses for tier 3 and the outlines.

Experienced Leadership Thought Leader

Meet Phil Cicio

phil Cicio

Phil Cicio, author and founder of SUCCESS thINC, is an authority in the area of personal growth and professional development as well as business leadership training and consulting. With 20 years of experience and certified as a High Performance Coach, Phil has dedicated his life to helping individuals; teams, and organizations create the results they want.

See What Some of Our Clients

Have to Say

“Phil’s workshop really put things into perspective and opened my eyes on how and why people do what they do. this new understanding will be a great tool for me to become more influential.”

Lisa Deblake
Category Manager

“We absolutely LOVED your session! Your personal stories and way of transforming mundane business topics into compelling life lessons was genius. Thank you!”

Linda Foggie
Wells Fargo
Project Management

“I believe my team has grown personally and professionally during their time with you and we will continue to utilize your principals in the coming months and years. We have actually added some of the concepts to our initial sales training session with our new agents and have already seen some behavioral changes.”

Kevin McCarthy

“Partnering with TTA has enabled us to offer customized and effectively timed skill-development training across our entire organization. Their support and collaboration have made this Learning & Development goal easier (and faster) to operationalize and as a bonus, we’ve developed genuine relationships with not just TTA but their facilitators as well.”

Devra S. Team Lead, Learning & Growth

Senior Specialist, Learning & Growth


“I have been in law enforcement for over 25 years, 15+ years with Union Pacific. I have attended literally HUNDREDS of hours of cultural diversity, cultural awareness, and racial profiling courses both through law enforcement and railroad resources.Themum was absolutely the best presenter/instructor I have ever encountered. She tackled a sensitive and potentially abrasive topic with grace, dignity, and professionalism. There were times in the day that people would question the course material or an opinion and she was able to relate to each and every one while bringing the discussion back on topic in a meaningful way. I would highly recommend utilizing Themum or someone who operates like her as much as possible for D&I training.”

Veronica P.
Union Pacific

“TTA came to our aide during a time when we were in need. The trainers fulfilled a wide variety of classes for us and were knowledgeable, courteous, and professional. Working with the TTA team was streamlined and easy, and we are grateful for our continued partnership!”

Emma W.

Director of Operations



Leadership Experience

We are proud to receive the Training Industry’s Leadership Training Watch List award for seven consecutive years and multiple “Excellence in Leadership Development” awards. Our new and emerging leadership development program distills years of experience and encapsulates everything we have learned about effective leadership training, offering organizations a leadership development program that delivers results

Awards We’ve Received
Award Winning Leadership Experience

75% of emerging leaders feel they lack sufficient leadership training and development opportunities within their organizations.

Organizations that Trust TTA For

Leadership Development

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Are You Ready To

Transform Your Leadership Landscape?

Join the ranks of over 1.74 million leaders who have benefited from our globally recognized program.