Recording: How to Become Incorporated 101

See below for the recording

Webinar Details

  • June 8, 2023
  • 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

*You will receive a $25 discount on incorporating at using the code TTA15.

As most independent contractors know, there are many benefits to becoming incorporated. But many don’t know where to begin or who to turn to for guidance. If you are considering becoming incorporated, don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn everything you need to know from the experts!

In this 60-minute webinar, we break down everything you need to know about incorporating your business.

In this session, we will cover:

  • What it means to be incorporated
  • Importance of incorporating to protect your assets
  • Benefits of incorporating and what it means for your business once you take that step
  • Should you incorporate or form an LLC?
  • Incorporating and taxes
  • How you can incorporate your business
  • Next steps after incorporating

See the full session overview and learn more about Incorporation 101: How to Incorporate a Small Business.


View the presentation



Anthony Gibbs

Anthony Gibbs

CSC Sales Team Leader | Inside Law & Partner
Services – A CSC Company

Anthony has been with the CSC for over 7 years. He works within both CSC’s service and sales departments, which gives him a depth of knowledge in both the Secretary of State filing nuances along with the industry/market at large.

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